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Jschulman555, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The two bright points on the left are the stars V633 Cas (bottom) and V376 Cas.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool
Hewholooks, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The blue reflection nebula is vdB 4.
The dark nebula above is LDN 1302.
The very bright star is called Gamma Cassiopeiae and excites the nebula.
The entire nebula complex is classified as Sh2-185 (vdB 5) (consisting of IC 59 and IC 63).
Antonio F. Sánchez, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The blue reflection nebula just to the right of the star cluster NGC 654 is vdB 6.
The dark nebula consists of three sections:
Left the horizontal part is LDN 1337.
The oblique part is LDN 1334.
The right part, which looks like a V, is LDN 1332.
On the right the bright blue and yellow nebula is vdB 7.
In the center the yellow nebula is vdB 9.
On the left is the elongated reflection nebula vdB 8.
On the right the bright blue and yellow nebula is vdB 7.
In the center the yellow nebula is vdB 9.
On the left is the elongated reflection nebula vdB 8.
On the right the bright blue and yellow nebula is vdB 7.
In the center the yellow nebula is vdB 9.
On the left is the elongated reflection nebula vdB 8.
In the center the blue bright nebula is NGC 1333.
The dark cloud immediately to the right is Barnard 205.
Diagonally right above, the small blue reflection nebula, is vdB 13.
Far right out, the blue nebula is vdB 16.
The dark cloud to the left is Barnard 204 with the cloud Barnard 206 at the bottom.
Above these clouds is Barnard 203 and again to the left of it, toward vdB 13 is Barnard 203.
In the center the blue bright nebula is NGC 1333.
The dark cloud immediately to the right is Barnard 205.
Diagonally right above, the small blue reflection nebula, is vdB 13.
Far right out, the blue nebula is vdB 16.
The dark cloud to the left is Barnard 204 with the cloud Barnard 206 at the bottom.
Above these clouds is Barnard 203 and again to the left of it, toward vdB 13 is Barnard 203.
On the right is the emission nebula Sh2-202.
In the upper left is the reflection nebula vdB 14, below it under the other bright star is vdB 15.
On the right is the emission nebula Sh2-202.
In the upper left is the reflection nebula vdB 14, below it under the other bright star is vdB 15.
In the center the blue bright nebula is NGC 1333.
The dark cloud immediately to the right is Barnard 205.
Diagonally right above, the small blue reflection nebula, is vdB 13.
Far right out, the blue nebula is vdB 16.
The dark cloud to the left is Barnard 204 with the cloud Barnard 206 at the bottom.
Above these clouds is Barnard 203 and again to the left of it, toward vdB 13 is Barnard 203.
In the center the blue bright nebula is NGC 1333.
The dark cloud immediately to the right is Barnard 205.
Diagonally right above, the small blue reflection nebula, is vdB 13.
Far right out, the blue nebula is vdB 16.
The dark cloud to the left is Barnard 204 with the cloud Barnard 206 at the bottom.
Above these clouds is Barnard 203 and again to the left of it, toward vdB 13 is Barnard 203.
Top left blue nebula is vdB 18.
Bottom right the star cluster is NGC 1342 (Mel 21).
The very bright star above IC 348 is Atik (Omicron Persei).
At the far lower right the dark nebula is LDN 1468.
Starhopper, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The asterism is M45 (Pleiades).
The reflection nebula around the rightmost star (Electra) is called vdB 20, the one around the upper star (Maia) vdB 21, around the lower star (Merope) vdB 22 and the nebula around the star in the middle (Alcyone) vdB 23.
Near Merope there is a very small nebula known as Barnard's Merope Nebula (IC 349).
The complete nebular region around Merope is NGC 1435 (Merope Nebula).
The nebula around the upper star Maia is known as NGC 1432 (Maia Nebula).
The faint nebula above the middle star (Alcyone) is IC 1990.
Starhopper, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The asterism is M45 (Pleiades).
The reflection nebula around the rightmost star (Electra) is called vdB 20, the one around the upper star (Maia) vdB 21, around the lower star (Merope) vdB 22 and the nebula around the star in the middle (Alcyone) vdB 23.
Near Merope there is a very small nebula known as Barnard's Merope Nebula (IC 349).
The complete nebular region around Merope is NGC 1435 (Merope Nebula).
The nebula around the upper star Maia is known as NGC 1432 (Maia Nebula).
The faint nebula above the middle star (Alcyone) is IC 1990.
Starhopper, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The asterism is M45 (Pleiades).
The reflection nebula around the rightmost star (Electra) is called vdB 20, the one around the upper star (Maia) vdB 21, around the lower star (Merope) vdB 22 and the nebula around the star in the middle (Alcyone) vdB 23.
Near Merope there is a very small nebula known as Barnard's Merope Nebula (IC 349).
The complete nebular region around Merope is NGC 1435 (Merope Nebula).
The nebula around the upper star Maia is known as NGC 1432 (Maia Nebula).
The faint nebula above the middle star (Alcyone) is IC 1990.
Starhopper, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The asterism is M45 (Pleiades).
The reflection nebula around the rightmost star (Electra) is called vdB 20, the one around the upper star (Maia) vdB 21, around the lower star (Merope) vdB 22 and the nebula around the star in the middle (Alcyone) vdB 23.
Near Merope there is a very small nebula known as Barnard's Merope Nebula (IC 349).
The complete nebular region around Merope is NGC 1435 (Merope Nebula).
The nebula around the upper star Maia is known as NGC 1432 (Maia Nebula).
The faint nebula above the middle star (Alcyone) is IC 1990.
vdB 27 is the small nebula on the left.
The bright blue reflection nebula in the center is LBN 782 with the Barnard 7 dark nebula.
In the lower right you can see the galaxy IC 359.
Sh2-239 is located in the lower left embedded in the dark nebula LDN 1551.
The dark nebula in the center is LDN 1543.
The veil connecting the two dark nebulae is LDN 1546.
Top right the bright one right next to the star Tau Tauri is NGC 1555 (Hind's Variable Nebula, Sh2-238, vdB 28).
The nebula around it is Be 84.
To the right of NGC 1555 is the double star system NGC 1554 (visible in large view) and below it the bright star is HD 27560.
To the right of the blue reflection nebula NGC 1788, the thinner part of the dark nebula is LDN 1616, the large tail is LDN 1615.
vdB 34 is a reflection nebula embedded in the emission nebula IC 405 (Flaming Star Nebula).
The blue reflection nebula centered on the right is vdB 35.
The yellow reflection nebula on the left side is vdB 37.
Giuseppe Donatiello, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
The blue reflection nebula centered on the right is vdB 35.
The yellow reflection nebula on the left side is vdB 37.
In the center of the image is Sh2-263.
The nebula to the left is Sh2-265.
vdB 39 copyright by Astromaster
vdB 39 is located in the image center.
vdB 40 copyright by Astromaster
vdB 40 is located in the center of the image.
The large blue star is Bellatrix .
Above the purple blue nebula is Sh2-279 (Running-Man Nebula) consisting of the star clusters NGC 1973 (upper blue star), NGC 1975 (right blue star), and NGC 1977 (the three stars next to each other).
Below the large nebula is the Orion Nebula (M42), with the small protruding nebula above referred to as M43.
To the left below M42, the star cluster, is NGC 1980.
To the right of Sh2-279 (Running-Man Nebula) is the reflection nebula IC 420 (vdB 44).
To the right of M42 is the reflection nebula vdB 42 and towards the left edge, at the level of the lower end of M42, is vdb 54.
At the lower edge NGC 1999 is still visible.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool
Above the purple blue nebula is Sh2-279 (Running-Man Nebula) consisting of the star clusters NGC 1973 (upper blue star), NGC 1975 (right blue star), and NGC 1977 (the three stars next to each other).
Below the large nebula is the Orion Nebula (M42), with the small protruding nebula above referred to as M43.
To the left below M42, the star cluster, is NGC 1980.
To the right of Sh2-279 (Running-Man Nebula) is the reflection nebula IC 420 (vdB 44).
To the right of M42 is the Reflection Nebula vdB 42 and towards the left edge, at the level of the lower end of M42, is vdb 54.
At the lower edge NGC 1999 is still visible.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool
Top left is NGC 1985.
Bottom right is vdB 45.
Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The two jets below NGC 1999 (blue nebula) are Herbig-Haro 1+2.
The dark nebula above is IC 427.
In the upper left is the Crab Nebula M1.
The bright star at the top is Alnilam, which is surrounded by the reflection nebula NGC 1990.
The bright star at the bottom is Mintaka.
Between them, somewhat toward Mintaka, is the reflection nebula IC 423 in the center, and right next to it, very small, is the reflection nebula IC 424.
Diagonally right above it is the reflection nebula IC 426 and to the right of it vdB 48.
Stephanh, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
To the left the large bright nebula is the Flame Nebula NGC 2024.
To the left of it is vdB 51 and again above it is vdB 50.
Through the large emission nebula IC 434 the Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33) becomes visible.
Directly to the left of the Horsehead Nebula the blue reflection nebula is NGC 2023.
Below the Horsehead Nebula lies vdB 57.
Stephanh, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
To the left the large bright nebula is the Flame Nebula NGC 2024.
To the left of it is vdB 51 and again above it is vdB 50.
Through the large emission nebula IC 434 the Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33) becomes visible.
Directly to the left of the Horsehead Nebula the blue reflection nebula is NGC 2023.
Below the Horsehead Nebula lies vdB 57.
Stephanh, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
On the left the big bright nebula is the Flame Nebula NGC 2024.
To the left is vdB 51 and again above it is vdB 50.
Through the large emission nebula IC 434 the Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33) becomes visible.
Directly left of the Horsehead Nebula the blue reflection nebula is NGC 2023.
Below the Horsehead Nebula lies vdB 57.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool
Above left the blue nebula is vdB 55.
Below that the yellow star is vdB 58.
In the right corner to the left of the bright blue star is vdB 53.
Above the purple blue nebula is Sh2-279 (Running-Man Nebula) consisting of the star clusters NGC 1973 (upper blue star), NGC 1975 (right blue star), and NGC 1977 (the three stars next to each other).
Below the large nebula is the Orion Nebula (M42), with the small protruding nebula above referred to as M43.
To the left below M42, the star cluster, is NGC 1980.
To the right of Sh2-279 (Running-Man Nebula) is the reflection nebula IC 420 (vdB 44).
To the right of M42 is the reflection nebula vdB 42 and towards the left edge, at the level of the lower end of M42, is vdb 54.
At the lower edge NGC 1999 is still visible.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool
Above left the blue nebula is vdB 55.
Below that the yellow star is vdB 58.
In the right corner to the left of the bright blue star is vdB 53.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool
Stephanh, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
To the left the large bright nebula is the Flame Nebula NGC 2024.
To the left of it is vdB 51 and again above it is vdB 50.
Through the large emission nebula IC 434 the Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33) becomes visible.
Directly to the left of the Horsehead Nebula the blue reflection nebula is NGC 2023.
Below the Horsehead Nebula lies vdB 57.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool
Above left the blue nebula is vdB 55.
Below that the yellow star is vdB 58.
In the right corner to the left of the bright blue star is vdB 53.
In the center the large reflection nebula is M78.
Adjacent to it on the right is the reflection nebula NGC 2064.
Diagonally above on the left is NGC 2067.
To the left of the reflection nebula is NGC 2071.
In the center the large reflection nebula is M78.
Adjacent to it on the right is the reflection nebula NGC 2064.
Diagonally above to the left is adjacent NGC 2067.
To the left of the reflection nebula is NGC 2071.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool
At the top of the dark nebula is vdB 62.
At the bottom towards the edge is vdB 63.
Above the bright star is 56 Ori.
At the top of the dark nebula is vdB 62.
At the bottom towards the edge is vdB 63.
Above the bright star is 56 Ori.
vdB 64 copyright by Astromaster
vdB 65 copyright by Astromaster
The red nebula is Sh2-241.
The reflection nebula vdB 65 can be seen diagonally in the upper left.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool
The left reflection nebula is NGC 2149.
The blue reflection nebula on the right is vdB 66.
In the center of the image is the reflection nebula NGC 2182. Above it the small blue, gold brown reflection nebula is NGC 2183, directly above it the wider blue reflection nebula NGC 2185 and above it the reflection nebula vdB 74.
Below the three bright blue areas are the reflection nebula NGC 2170 (left), vdB 69 (center) and vdB 68 (right). Below the bright blue star is NGC 2167, which was mistakenly included in the catalog.
Left of the three blue areas the violet nebula is LBN 999.
On the right is the reflection nebula vdB 70 embedded in the violet nebula LBN 990.
The dark nebula to the left of vdB 70 is LDN 1646.
In the center of the image is the reflection nebula NGC 2182. Above it the small blue, gold brown reflection nebula is NGC 2183, directly above it the wider blue reflection nebula NGC 2185 and above it the reflection nebula vdB 74.
Below the three bright blue areas are the reflection nebula NGC 2170 (left), vdB 69 (center) and vdB 68 (right). Below the bright blue star is NGC 2167, which was mistakenly included in the catalog.
Left of the three blue areas the violet nebula is LBN 999.
On the right is the reflection nebula vdB 70 embedded in the violet nebula LBN 990.
The dark nebula to the left of vdB 70 is LDN 1646.
In the center of the image is the reflection nebula NGC 2182. Above it the small blue, gold brown reflection nebula is NGC 2183, directly above it the wider blue reflection nebula NGC 2185 and above it the reflection nebula vdB 74.
Below the three bright blue areas are the reflection nebula NGC 2170 (left), vdB 69 (center) and vdB 68 (right). Below the bright blue star is NGC 2167, which was mistakenly included in the catalog.
Left of the three blue areas the violet nebula is LBN 999.
On the right is the reflection nebula vdB 70 embedded in the violet nebula LBN 990.
The dark nebula to the left of vdB 70 is LDN 1646.
In the center of the image is the reflection nebula NGC 2182. Above it the small blue, gold brown reflection nebula is NGC 2183, directly above it the wider blue reflection nebula NGC 2185 and above it the reflection nebula vdB 74.
Below the three bright blue areas are the reflection nebula NGC 2170 (left), vdB 69 (center) and vdB 68 (right). Below the bright blue star is NGC 2167, which was mistakenly included in the catalog.
Left of the three blue areas the violet nebula is LBN 999.
On the right is the reflection nebula vdB 70 embedded in the violet nebula LBN 990.
The dark nebula to the left of vdB 70 is LDN 1646.
vdB 71 copyright by Astromaster
To the right above the star chain is vdB 71.
The bright star above is Ksi Ori.
The nebula below the star chain is Sh2-268 at whose lower edge is very small Sh2-270. The star cluster left of it is NGC 2194 (Mel 43).
At the upper left edge Sh2-269 can be seen.
At the lower left edge is Sh2-271 and just below it very small Sh2-272.
In the center of the upper right nebula is the star cluster NGC 2169, which looks like the number 37.
In the center of the image is the reflection nebula NGC 2182. Above it the small blue, gold brown reflection nebula is NGC 2183, directly above it the wider blue reflection nebula NGC 2185 and above it the reflection nebula vdB 74.
Below the three bright blue areas are the reflection nebula NGC 2170 (left), vdB 69 (center) and vdB 68 (right). Below the bright blue star is NGC 2167, which was mistakenly included in the catalog.
Left of the three blue areas the violet nebula is LBN 999.
On the right is the reflection nebula vdB 70 embedded in the violet nebula LBN 990.
The dark nebula to the left of vdB 70 is LDN 1646.
In the center of the image is the reflection nebula NGC 2182. Above it the small blue, gold brown reflection nebula is NGC 2183, directly above it the wider blue reflection nebula NGC 2185 and above it the reflection nebula vdB 74.
Below the three bright blue areas are the reflection nebula NGC 2170 (left), vdB 69 (center) and vdB 68 (right). Below the bright blue star is NGC 2167, which was mistakenly included in the catalog.
Left of the three blue areas the violet nebula is LBN 999.
On the right is the reflection nebula vdB 70 embedded in the violet nebula LBN 990.
The dark nebula to the left of vdB 70 is LDN 1646.
In the center of the image is the reflection nebula NGC 2182. Above it the small blue, gold brown reflection nebula is NGC 2183, directly above it the wider blue reflection nebula NGC 2185 and above it the reflection nebula vdB 74.
Below the three bright blue areas are the reflection nebula NGC 2170 (left), vdB 69 (center) and vdB 68 (right). Below the bright blue star is NGC 2167, which was mistakenly included in the catalog.
Left of the three blue areas the violet nebula is LBN 999.
On the right is the reflection nebula vdB 70 embedded in the violet nebula LBN 990.
The dark nebula to the left of vdB 70 is LDN 1646.
Nico Carver (NebulaPhotos.com), CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The large nebula coming out of the head of the Jellyfish is Sh2-249.
The small blue nebula to the right above the Jellyfish Nebula IC 443 (Sh2-248) is IC 444 (vdB 75).
Below this is still the nebula BFS 51.
At the upper right edge near the end of the nebula is a bright yellow star; to its left is a pink nebula HoCr 1 (visible at high image magnification; just before the dark area in the nebula).
The big blue nebula is IC 447 / IC 2169. It contains the three reflection nebulae vdB 76, 77 and 78.
Above it the reflection nebula is IC 446 / IC 2167. it contains the reflection nebula vdB 79.
On the left the two blue nebulae are NGC 2245 (below) and NGC 2247 (vdB 82).
The big blue nebula is IC 447 / IC 2169. It contains the three reflection nebulae vdB 76, 77 and 78.
Above it the reflection nebula is IC 446 / IC 2167. it contains the reflection nebula vdB 79.
On the left the two blue nebulae are NGC 2245 (below) and NGC 2247 (vdB 82).
The big blue nebula is IC 447 / IC 2169. It contains the three reflection nebulae vdB 76, 77 and 78.
Above it the reflection nebula is IC 446 / IC 2167. it contains the reflection nebula vdB 79.
On the left the two blue nebulae are NGC 2245 (below) and NGC 2247 (vdB 82).
The big blue nebula is IC 447 / IC 2169. It contains the three reflection nebulae vdB 76, 77 and 78.
Above it the reflection nebula is IC 446 / IC 2167. it contains the reflection nebula vdB 79.
On the left the two blue nebulae are NGC 2245 (below) and NGC 2247 (vdB 82).
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool
The bright star that makes the nebula shine is 13 Mon.
The big blue nebula is IC 447 / IC 2169. It contains the three reflection nebulae vdB 76, 77 and 78.
Above it the reflection nebula is IC 446 / IC 2167. it contains the reflection nebula vdB 79.
On the left the two blue nebulae are NGC 2245 (below) and NGC 2247 (vdB 82).
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool
The upper nebula vdB 83 is produced by several stars.
Below it lies the reflection nebula vdB 84.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool
The upper nebula vdB 83 is produced by several stars.
Below it lies the reflection nebula vdB 84.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool
At the bottom left is vdB 87.
Vertically above it, towards the upper edge, is NGC 2316 and to its right NGC 2313.
At the left edge in the center you can still see the foothills of M50.
At the top of the image is NGC 2309 (Mel 56).
In the center of the image is BFS 63.
Diagonally to the right above this nebula is Sh2-291.
Even though IC 2177 is called the Gull Nebula, IC 2177 is not the complete nebula, but only the head, with the bright star HD 53367 in the center.
The wings are the nebula Sh2-296.
Just to the right of the head is very small planetary nebula PK 223-2.1.
Below it are the two nebulae Sh2-293 (the larger one) and Sh2-295 (the smaller one).
To the left of the two small nebulae, in the dark indentation in the wing, is the reflection nebula NGC 2327. Directly below it the cluster of stars with nebula is vdB 92.
To the left of it in the blue area near the bright stars is vdB 95.
Down at the wing tip, the bright yellow nebula, is Sh2-297.
At the upper wing (upper edge of the yellow nebula), is the star cluster NGC 2335.
The star cluster NGC 2343 is to the left of the head in the blue area.
Even further to the left, before the bright yellow area starts, is the star cluster NGC 2353. The bright yellow nebula at the upper left is Sh2-294.
The yellow area to the left of the lower wing is the carbon star W Canis Majoris.
Even though IC 2177 is called the Gull Nebula, IC 2177 is not the complete nebula, but only the head, with the bright star HD 53367 in the center.
The wings are the nebula Sh2-296.
Just to the right of the head is very small planetary nebula PK 223-2.1.
Below it are the two nebulae Sh2-293 (the larger one) and Sh2-295 (the smaller one).
To the left of the two small nebulae, in the dark indentation in the wing, is the reflection nebula NGC 2327. Directly below it the cluster of stars with nebula is vdB 92.
To the left of it in the blue area near the bright stars is vdB 95.
Down at the wing tip, the bright yellow nebula, is Sh2-297.
At the upper wing (upper edge of the yellow nebula), is the star cluster NGC 2335.
The star cluster NGC 2343 is to the left of the head in the blue area.
Even further to the left, before the bright yellow area starts, is the star cluster NGC 2353. The bright yellow nebula at the upper left is Sh2-294.
The yellow area to the left of the lower wing is the carbon star W Canis Majoris.
Even though IC 2177 is called the Gull Nebula, IC 2177 is not the complete nebula, but only the head, with the bright star HD 53367 in the center.
The wings are the nebula Sh2-296.
Just to the right of the head is very small planetary nebula PK 223-2.1.
Below it are the two nebulae Sh2-293 (the larger one) and Sh2-295 (the smaller one).
To the left of the two small nebulae, in the dark indentation in the wing, is the reflection nebula NGC 2327. Directly below it the cluster of stars with nebula is vdB 92.
To the left of it in the blue area near the bright stars is vdB 95.
Down at the wing tip, the bright yellow nebula, is Sh2-297.
At the upper wing (upper edge of the yellow nebula), is the star cluster NGC 2335.
The star cluster NGC 2343 is to the left of the head in the blue area.
Even further to the left, before the bright yellow area starts, is the star cluster NGC 2353. The bright yellow nebula at the upper left is Sh2-294.
The yellow area to the left of the lower wing is the carbon star W Canis Majoris.
Even though IC 2177 is called the Gull Nebula, IC 2177 is not the complete nebula, but only the head, with the bright star HD 53367 in the center.
The wings are the nebula Sh2-296.
Just to the right of the head is very small planetary nebula PK 223-2.1.
Below it are the two nebulae Sh2-293 (the larger one) and Sh2-295 (the smaller one).
To the left of the two small nebulae, in the dark indentation in the wing, is the reflection nebula NGC 2327. Directly below it the cluster of stars with nebula is vdB 92.
To the left of it in the blue area near the bright stars is vdB 95.
Down at the wing tip, the bright yellow nebula, is Sh2-297.
At the upper wing (upper edge of the yellow nebula), is the star cluster NGC 2335.
The star cluster NGC 2343 is to the left of the head in the blue area.
Even further to the left, before the bright yellow area starts, is the star cluster NGC 2353. The bright yellow nebula at the upper left is Sh2-294.
The yellow area to the left of the lower wing is the carbon star W Canis Majoris.
Even though IC 2177 is called the Gull Nebula, IC 2177 is not the complete nebula, but only the head, with the bright star HD 53367 in the center.
The wings are the nebula Sh2-296.
Just to the right of the head is very small planetary nebula PK 223-2.1.
Below it are the two nebulae Sh2-293 (the larger one) and Sh2-295 (the smaller one).
To the left of the two small nebulae, in the dark indentation in the wing, is the reflection nebula NGC 2327. Directly below it the cluster of stars with nebula is vdB 92.
To the left of it in the blue area near the bright stars is vdB 95.
Down at the wing tip, the bright yellow nebula, is Sh2-297.
At the upper wing (upper edge of the yellow nebula), is the star cluster NGC 2335.
The star cluster NGC 2343 is to the left of the head in the blue area.
Even further to the left, before the bright yellow area starts, is the star cluster NGC 2353. The bright yellow nebula at the upper left is Sh2-294.
The yellow area to the left of the lower wing is the carbon star W Canis Majoris.
Even though IC 2177 is called the Gull Nebula, IC 2177 is not the complete nebula, but only the head, with the bright star HD 53367 in the center.
The wings are the nebula Sh2-296.
Just to the right of the head is very small planetary nebula PK 223-2.1.
Below it are the two nebulae Sh2-293 (the larger one) and Sh2-295 (the smaller one).
To the left of the two small nebulae, in the dark indentation in the wing, is the reflection nebula NGC 2327. Directly below it the cluster of stars with nebula is vdB 92.
To the left of it in the blue area near the bright stars is vdB 95.
Down at the wing tip, the bright yellow nebula, is Sh2-297.
At the upper wing (upper edge of the yellow nebula), is the star cluster NGC 2335.
The star cluster NGC 2343 is to the left of the head in the blue area.
Even further to the left, before the bright yellow area starts, is the star cluster NGC 2353. The bright yellow nebula at the upper left is Sh2-294.
The yellow area to the left of the lower wing is the carbon star W Canis Majoris.
Even though IC 2177 is called the Gull Nebula, IC 2177 is not the complete nebula, but only the head, with the bright star HD 53367 in the center.
The wings are the nebula Sh2-296.
Just to the right of the head is very small planetary nebula PK 223-2.1.
Below it are the two nebulae Sh2-293 (the larger one) and Sh2-295 (the smaller one).
To the left of the two small nebulae, in the dark indentation in the wing, is the reflection nebula NGC 2327. Directly below it the cluster of stars with nebula is vdB 92.
To the left of it in the blue area near the bright stars is vdB 95.
Down at the wing tip, the bright yellow nebula, is Sh2-297.
At the upper wing (upper edge of the yellow nebula), is the star cluster NGC 2335.
The star cluster NGC 2343 is to the left of the head in the blue area.
Even further to the left, before the bright yellow area starts, is the star cluster NGC 2353. The bright yellow nebula at the upper left is Sh2-294.
The yellow area to the left of the lower wing is the carbon star W Canis Majoris.
Even though IC 2177 is called the Gull Nebula, IC 2177 is not the complete nebula, but only the head, with the bright star HD 53367 in the center.
The wings are the nebula Sh2-296.
Just to the right of the head is very small planetary nebula PK 223-2.1.
Below it are the two nebulae Sh2-293 (the larger one) and Sh2-295 (the smaller one).
To the left of the two small nebulae, in the dark indentation in the wing, is the reflection nebula NGC 2327. Directly below it the cluster of stars with nebula is vdB 92.
To the left of it in the blue area near the bright stars is vdB 95.
Down at the wing tip, the bright yellow nebula, is Sh2-297.
At the upper wing (upper edge of the yellow nebula), is the star cluster NGC 2335.
The star cluster NGC 2343 is to the left of the head in the blue area.
Even further to the left, before the bright yellow area starts, is the star cluster NGC 2353. The bright yellow nebula at the upper left is Sh2-294.
The yellow area to the left of the lower wing is the carbon star W Canis Majoris.
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The nebula in the center is the Snowman Nebula Sh2-302.
To the left is the star cluster NGC 2409.
To the right of the snowman's head, the somewhat bluish star is vdB 97.
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The emission nebula centered at the right edge is Sh2-7.
Below that is Sh2-1.
The structure on the left is Cr 302 with Sh2-9 (red nebula), Antares (the yellow star), the star cluster (M4) to the right of Antares, IC 4603 (the bright nebula in the center), IC 4605 (the blue small nebula in the center left), IC 4604 (Rho Ophiuchi star - the big blue nebula at the top), RCW 129 (big red nebula at the bottom). The dark nebula starting in the center and running to the upper left is LDN 1688, the dark nebula below is LDN 1689.
The Horsehead Nebula can be seen at the top with IC 4592 and IC 4601.
The bright blue star is Ny Scorpii (Jabbah).
Reflection nebula IC 4592 (vdB 100), together with dark cloud LDN 1721 (Barnard 40), forms the anterior part of the Horsehead.
The small blue nebula in the dark nebula LDN 1719 (Barnard 41) is IC 4601 consisting of the upper reflection nebula vdB 102 and the oblique lower reflection nebula vdB 103.
Just to the right of IC 4601 the brownish nebula around the brighter star is vdB 101.
The bright blue star is Ny Scorpii (Jabbah).
The reflection nebula IC 4592 (vdB 100) forms together with the dark cloud LDN 1721 (Barnard 40) the front part of the horse head.
The small blue nebula in the dark nebula LDN 1719 (Barnard 41) is IC 4601 consisting of the upper reflection nebula vdB 102 and the oblique lower reflection nebula vdB 103.
Just to the right of IC 4601 the brownish nebula around the brighter star is vdB 101.
The bright blue star is Ny Scorpii (Jabbah).
The reflection nebula IC 4592 (vdB 100) forms together with the dark cloud LDN 1721 (Barnard 40) the front part of the horse head.
The small blue nebula in the dark nebula LDN 1719 (Barnard 41) is IC 4601 consisting of the upper reflection nebula vdB 102 and the oblique lower reflection nebula vdB 103.
Just to the right of IC 4601 the brownish nebula around the brighter star is vdB 101.
The bright blue star is Ny Scorpii (Jabbah).
The reflection nebula IC 4592 (vdB 100) forms together with the dark cloud LDN 1721 (Barnard 40) the front part of the horse head.
The small blue nebula in the dark nebula LDN 1719 (Barnard 41) is IC 4601 consisting of the upper reflection nebula vdB 102 and the oblique lower reflection nebula vdB 103.
Just to the right of IC 4601 the brownish nebula around the brighter star is vdB 101.
Giuseppe Donatiello, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
The red nebula at the top is Sh2-9 with the star Sigma Scorpii (Alniyat) in the center and the reflection nebula vdB 104.
The yellow star at lower right is Alpha Scorpii (Antares) with nebula vdB 107.
The large star cluster at upper right is M4 and just below it is the small star cluster NGC 6144.
The blue nebula at the bottom is IC 4605.
The large blue nebula on the far left is IC 4604 (Rho Ophiuchi Cloud).
The dark nebula starting in the center and running to the lower left is LDN 1688, and the dark nebula in the lower center is LDN 1689.
Giuseppe Donatiello, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
The red nebula at the top is Sh2-9 with the star Sigma Scorpii (Alniyat) in the center and the reflection nebula vdB 104.
The yellow star on the lower right is Alpha Scorpii (Antares) with the nebula vdB 107.
The large star cluster at upper right is M4 and just below it is the small star cluster NGC 6144.
The blue nebula at the bottom is IC 4605.
The large blue nebula on the left is IC 4604 (with the embedded star Rho Ophiuchi).
The dark nebula starting in the center and running to the lower left is LDN 1688, and the dark nebula in the lower center is LDN 1689.
Giuseppe Donatiello, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
The red nebula at the top is Sh2-9 with the star Sigma Scorpii (Alniyat) in the center and the reflection nebula vdB 104.
The yellow star on the lower right is Alpha Scorpii (Antares) with the nebula vdB 107.
The large star cluster at upper right is M4 and just below it is the small star cluster NGC 6144.
The blue nebula at the bottom is IC 4605.
The large blue nebula on the left is IC 4604 (with the embedded star Rho Ophiuchi).
The dark nebula starting in the center and running to the lower left is LDN 1688, and the dark nebula in the lower center is LDN 1689.
Giuseppe Donatiello, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
The red nebula at the top is Sh2-9 with the star Sigma Scorpii (Alniyat) in the center and the reflection nebula vdB 104.
The yellow star on the lower right is Alpha Scorpii (Antares) with the nebula vdB 107.
The large star cluster at upper right is M4 and just below it is the small star cluster NGC 6144.
The blue nebula at the bottom is IC 4605.
The large blue nebula on the left is IC 4604 (with the embedded star Rho Ophiuchi).
The dark nebula starting in the center and running to the lower left is LDN 1688, and the dark nebula in the lower center is LDN 1689.
Giuseppe Donatiello, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
The red nebula at the top is Sh2-9 with the star Sigma Scorpii (Alniyat) in the center and the reflection nebula vdB 104.
The yellow star on the lower right is Alpha Scorpii (Antares) with the nebula vdB 107.
The large star cluster at upper right is M4 and just below it is the small star cluster NGC 6144.
The blue nebula at the bottom is IC 4605.
The large blue nebula on the left is IC 4604 (with the embedded star Rho Ophiuchi).
The dark nebula starting in the center and running to the lower left is LDN 1688, and the dark nebula in the lower center is LDN 1689.
The large dark cloud is Barnard 63.
The small dark cloud in the center of the image next to vdB 100 is Baranard 62.
vdB 112 copyright by Astromaster
In the center of the image is vdB 113.
The nebula area to the left below is Sh2-34.
Sh2-38 copyright by Astromaster
The bright red nebula is Sh2-38.
The bright blue binary star system is vdB 114.
At the very top center is the star cluster M21.
Diagonally right below is the Trifid Nebula M20 and diagonally right below that is Sh2-28.
At the very bottom center is the Lagoon Nebula M8 with the bright nebulae NGC 6526 (lower left) and the irregular area NGC 6533 (upper right) (separated by the slightly darker s-shaped area) and the star cluster NGC 6530 (left of the bright area).
To the left is the large nebula Sh2-29 with the nebula NGC 6559 (lower left) and the oblique planetary nebula Minkowski 1-41 (red dot), the star cluster IC 4685 (center), the nebula IC 1275 (upper left center), the nebula IC 1274 (above).
A little above the blue star is the nebula IC 4684 and diagonally right above is the star cluster NGC 6546.
For distance, the reflection nebula is assumed to be in the same area as IC 1274. (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1109.4479.pdf)
Sh2-40 copyright by Astromaster
The bright red nebula is Sh2-40.
Above the bright star is vdB 116.
At the bottom left, a spur of M17 can still be seen.
To the right is the star cluster M18 with the reflection nebula vdB 121 to its left.
Above it the large nebula area is IC 4701 with vdB 120 at its right edge.
To the right the small nebula area is Sh2-43.
Vertically above it is vdB 117.
The large star cloud at the top is M24, which contains the star cluster NGC 6603 at the top and SH2-39 diagonally below it. The upper red nebula area is Sh2-41.
The dark nebula at the top is Barnard 92 and to the left you can see the lower end of Barnard 93.
The small red nebula is IC 1284 with the bright star HD 167815 in the center.
Directly above, the fainter red nebula, is IC 1283.
Just to the right are the two reflection nebulae NGC 6589 (the upper) and NGC 6590 (vdB 119) (the lower).
The nebula area to the lower right is Sh2-35.
The large star cloud at the top is M24, which contains the star cluster NGC 6603 at the top and SH2-39 diagonally below it. The upper red nebula area is Sh2-41.
The dark nebula at the top is Barnard 92 and to the left you can see the lower end of Barnard 93.
The small red nebula is IC 1284 with the bright star HD 167815 in the center.
Directly above, the fainter red nebula, is IC 1283.
Just to the right are the two reflection nebulae NGC 6589 (the upper) and NGC 6590 (vdB 119) (the lower).
The nebula area to the lower right is Sh2-35.
At the bottom left, a spur of M17 can still be seen.
To the right is the star cluster M18 with the reflection nebula vdB 121 to its left.
Above it the large nebula area is IC 4701 with vdB 120 at its right edge.
To the right the small nebula area is Sh2-43.
Vertically above it is vdB 117.
The star cluster in the middle is M18.
The single star left above is vdB 121.
Just before the edge on the right is vdB 120.
Above, the nebula belongs to IC 4701.
vdB 122 is in the center of the image.
The nebula to its left is Sh2-53.
vdB 123 is directly in the center of the image.
Below that the bright yellow nebula in the center of the dark nebula is the Serpens Reflection Nebula (SRN).
NGC 6649 copyright by Astromaster
In the center of the image is the reflection nebula IC 1287 (vdB 124).
The star cluster diagonally above on the left is NGC 6649.
The red nebula centered at the top is Sh2-56.
The red nebula in the lower center is Sh2-55.
To the right, the small red nebula is Abell 45.
Directly in the center of the image is vdB 126.
To the right of the reflection nebula is LBN 134.
The dark cloud is fondly called Fleeing Brontosaurus. It consists of several sections (LDN 767 - LDN 769, LDN 772 - LDN 775).
vdB 127 is the star Delta Sagittae.
Diagonally above it on the left is just visible as a small red nebula Sh2-84.
Gamma-Cygni (Sadr) is the bright star in the center, the star cluster to the right of Sadr is NGC 6910.
The nebula is divided into three parts: IC 1318A (bright nebula lower right), IC 1318B (right wing from butterfly), IC 1318C left wing from butterfly).
The dark cloud LDN 889 separating the Butterfly Nebula thus gives it its characteristic name.
To the left of the Butterfly Nebula, halfway to the edge of the image, is the star cluster M29.
At the bottom of the image to the right of center is Star cluster IC 1311, and in the lower left corner is IC 4996.
At the top lies the reflection nebula NGC 6914a (vdB 131).
In the middle is NGC 6914b (vdb 132).
At the bottom is the reflection nebula NGC 6914c.
At the top lies the reflection nebula NGC 6914a (vdB 131).
In the middle is NGC 6914b (vdb 132).
At the bottom is the reflection nebula NGC 6914c.
vdB 134 is the red violet nebula.
Above it, the planetary nebula Weinberg 1-10 is faintly visible.
vdB 136 is the yellow nebula.
On the left the large reflection nebula is IC 5076 (vdB 137).
Below it is the small open star cluster NGC 6991. There are different coordinate data for this star cluster because William and John Herschel included them differently in the catalogs. (http://www.docdb.net/show_object.php?id=NGC_6991). The star cluster first cataloged by William Herschel is shown here.
In the upper right is vdB 138.
On the left the large reflection nebula is IC 5076 (vdB 137).
Below it is the small open star cluster NGC 6991. There are different coordinates for this star cluster because William and John Herschel included them differently in the catalogs. (http://www.docdb.net/show_object.php?id=NGC_6991). The star cluster first cataloged by William Herschel is shown here.
In the upper right is vdB 138.
KeithSteffens, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Maurizio Cabibbo, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The blue nebula is Ou4, the red nebula is Sh2-129.
The small blue-red nebula on the right is vdB 140.
The brown cone on the right in the nebula is CB 230 knot k1 (MCB2008).
David (Deddy) Dayag, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The dark nebula to the right is LDN 1199.
vdB 144 is in the center of the image.
Diagonally to the right below, to the left of the bright yellow star, is the star cluster NGC 7127.
The complete nebula is IC 5134, the centered star cluster is NGC 7129.
On the left the two blue stars are IC 5132 (top) and IC 5133 (bottom).
The nebula in the center of the image is the Cocoon Nebula (C19, IC 5146).
The reflection nebula to the right is vdB 147.
The Dark Shark Nebula copyright by Scott Rosen
vdB149 is the lower blue reflection nebula from the shark head, vdB150 is on top of the shark head.
The Dark Shark Nebula copyright by Scott Rosen
vdB149 is the lower blue reflection nebula from the shark head, vdB150 is on top of the shark head.
The dark nebula below is Barnard 175.
To the right of the nebula you can see the planetary nebula DeHt5 (Dengel-Hartl 5).
The red nebula in the lower right is Sh2-140.
To the upper right is Sh2-140.
The nebula in the center is Sh2-145.
To the left the brighter red nebula to the right of vdB 154 is Sh2-150.
At the far right center edge, vdB 153 can still be seen.
The bright nebula at the top is C9 (Sh2-155).
The dark nebula to the left is LDN 1216, the dark area to the right is LDN 1218.
Just below the dark nebula by the two stars is the blue reflection nebula vdB 155.
The emission nebula at the bottom is Sh2-154.
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The reflection nebula vdB 156 (0 Andromedae in the center) still includes the four parts vdB 156a (LBN 462) - center right edge, vdB 156b (LBN 458) - lower right directly in the corner, vdB 156c (LBN 460) - lower right, below the bright blue star, and vdB 156d (LBN 477) - nebula at the lower left edge.
The reflection nebula in the center is LBN 534.
The large nebula is Abell 85.
To the upper right of Abell 85, the blue star, is vdB 159 (HD 224403), which was subsequently added to the catalog by R. Racine.