Example image processing of comet images with an One Shot Camera in PixInsight

Processing of comet images with an One Shot Camera in PixInsight (version 1.8.9)

When processing comet images with the PixInsight program, some steps have to be performed differently than for deep sky objects.

In principle, comets are imaged no differently than other deep sky objects. The telescope is aligned and focused on the starry sky as usual. After finding the comet, the mount's tracking is adjusted to the speed of the distant celestial objects as normal (sidereal).

However, since a comet moves faster than the tracking and thus "wanders" over the individual exposures, this must be taken into account in the image processing.

In this document (link), this procedure is illustrated using the comet images of C/2022 E3 ("The Green Comet"). This procedure shows one of many processing possibilities.