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Even though IC 2177 is called the Gull Nebula, IC 2177 is not the complete nebula, but only the head, with the bright star HD 53367 in the center.
The wings are the nebula Sh2-296.
Just to the right of the head is very small planetary nebula PK 223-2.1.
Below it are the two nebulae Sh2-293 (the larger one) and Sh2-295 (the smaller one).
To the left of the two small nebulae, in the dark indentation in the wing, is the reflection nebula NGC 2327. Directly below it the cluster of stars with nebula is vdB 92.
To the left of it in the blue area near the bright stars is vdB 95.
Down at the wing tip, the bright yellow nebula, is Sh2-297.
At the upper wing (upper edge of the yellow nebula), is the star cluster NGC 2335.
The star cluster NGC 2343 is to the left of the head in the blue area.
Even further to the left, before the bright yellow area starts, is the star cluster NGC 2353. The bright yellow nebula at the upper left is Sh2-294.
The yellow area to the left of the lower wing is the carbon star W Canis Majoris.
Even though IC 2177 is called the Gull Nebula, IC 2177 is not the complete nebula, but only the head, with the bright star HD 53367 in the center.
The wings are the nebula Sh2-296.
Just to the right of the head is very small planetary nebula PK 223-2.1.
Below it are the two nebulae Sh2-293 (the larger one) and Sh2-295 (the smaller one).
To the left of the two small nebulae, in the dark indentation in the wing, is the reflection nebula NGC 2327. Directly below it the cluster of stars with nebula is vdB 92.
To the left of it in the blue area near the bright stars is vdB 95.
Down at the wing tip, the bright yellow nebula, is Sh2-297.
At the upper wing (upper edge of the yellow nebula), is the star cluster NGC 2335.
The star cluster NGC 2343 is to the left of the head in the blue area.
Even further to the left, before the bright yellow area starts, is the star cluster NGC 2353. The bright yellow nebula at the upper left is Sh2-294.
The yellow area to the left of the lower wing is the carbon star W Canis Majoris.
Even though IC 2177 is called the Gull Nebula, IC 2177 is not the complete nebula, but only the head, with the bright star HD 53367 in the center.
The wings are the nebula Sh2-296.
Just to the right of the head is very small planetary nebula PK 223-2.1.
Below it are the two nebulae Sh2-293 (the larger one) and Sh2-295 (the smaller one).
To the left of the two small nebulae, in the dark indentation in the wing, is the reflection nebula NGC 2327. Directly below it the cluster of stars with nebula is vdB 92.
To the left of it in the blue area near the bright stars is vdB 95.
Down at the wing tip, the bright yellow nebula, is Sh2-297.
At the upper wing (upper edge of the yellow nebula), is the star cluster NGC 2335.
The star cluster NGC 2343 is to the left of the head in the blue area.
Even further to the left, before the bright yellow area starts, is the star cluster NGC 2353. The bright yellow nebula at the upper left is Sh2-294.
The yellow area to the left of the lower wing is the carbon star W Canis Majoris.
Jschulman555, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The nebula in the center is the Snowman Nebula Sh2-302.
To the left is the star cluster NGC 2409.
To the right of the snowman's head, the somewhat bluish star is vdB 97.
Sh2-307 copyright by Astromaster
The upper small nebula is Sh2-305.
Below that the faint nebula field is Sh2-306 with the nebula below it Sh2-309.
On the left edge Sh2-307 can be seen.
Sh2-310 copyright by Astromaster
The left part that shines brightest is Gum 8.
The complete nebula area is Sh2-310 (RCW 15).
The complete nebula is Sh2-311.
The lower bright area is the star forming area with the open cluster NGC 2467.
Half of RCW 20 is still visible at the top right edge.
The large nebula is RCW 20.
The small nebula above is NGC 2579 (Gum 11).
The foothills of RCW19 can still be seen at the lower edge.
Roberto Mura, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Gum 12a is a huge nebula area which hosts a great many other nebula areas (including Vela Supernova Remnant, Gum 16, Gum 21- 25, RCW 28-31, RCW 38-40).
The brighter nebula in the upper left is RCW 33.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool
RCW 28 - RCW 31 sind Filamente vom Supernovaüberrest Puppis A.
Oben rechts sind RCW 28 (unten), RCW 29 (mittig) und RCW 30 (oben aus zwei Telen bestehend).
RCW 29 und RCW 30 bilden zusammen den Nebel Gum 13.
Unten links befindet sich RCW 31.
ESO/Digitized Sky Survey 2. Acknowledgement: Davide De Martin, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, Original-Link
The nebula in the center is Gum 15.
Bottom left the large nebula is RCW 33. To the right is the star cluster NGC 2671.
Top right the large nebula is RCW 27 (BRAN 166) with the small planetary nebula Vo 3 (PN G260.1+00.2, PK 260+00.2).
The remnants of the Vela supernova can still be seen in the lower right.
ESO/Digitized Sky Survey 2. Acknowledgement: Davide De Martin, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, Original-Link
The nebula in the center is Gum 15.
Bottom left the large nebula is RCW 33. To the right is the star cluster NGC 2671.
Top right the large nebula is RCW 27 (BRAN 166) with the small planetary nebula Vo 3 (PN G260.1+00.2, PK 260+00.2).
The remnants of the Vela supernova can still be seen in the lower right.
Das dunkle ist der Vela Supernovaüberrest (Gum 16) an dessen rechtem Rand der Bleistiftnebel (NGC 2736) zu sehen.
Darüber liegt RCW 38 mit den wiederum darüber liegenden Nebeln RCW 40 (der helle kleine Nebel) und RCW 39 (schwacher Nebel rechts unterhalb von RCW40).
Rechts im schwachen Nebelgebiet liegt der kleine Nebel RCW 41.
ESO/Digitized Sky Survey 2. Acknowledgement: Davide De Martin, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, Original-Link
The nebula in the center is Gum 15.
Bottom left the large nebula is RCW 33. To the right is the star cluster NGC 2671.
Top right the large nebula is RCW 27 (BRAN 166) with the small planetary nebula Vo 3 (PN G260.1+00.2, PK 260+00.2).
The remnants of the Vela supernova can still be seen in the lower right.
Above the big nebula are still elements of RCW 33.
Diagonally left below is the small nebula RCW 34 and further left below RCW36.
The somewhat bright nebula area in the center of the image is RCW 35.
Above the big nebula are still elements of RCW 33.
Diagonally left below is the small nebula RCW 34 and further left below RCW36.
The somewhat bright nebula area in the center of the image is RCW 35.
Above the big nebula are still elements of RCW 33.
Diagonally left below is the small nebula RCW 34 and further left below RCW36.
The somewhat bright nebula area in the center of the image is RCW 35.
On the left the bright nebula area is RCW 38 where the small lower part is designated Gum 22 and the upper right part is Gum 23.
The bright nebula area below is Gum 21.
In the upper right of the image is the Pencil Nebula (NGC 2736).
On the left the bright nebula area is RCW 38 where the small lower part is designated Gum 22 and the upper right part is Gum 23.
The bright nebula area below is Gum 21.
In the upper right of the image is the Pencil Nebula (NGC 2736).
On the left the bright nebula area is RCW 38 where the small lower part is designated Gum 22 and the upper right part is Gum 23.
The bright nebula area below is Gum 21.
In the upper right of the image is the Pencil Nebula (NGC 2736).
The dark one is the Vela Supernova Remnant (Gum 16) at whose right edge the Pencil Nebula (NGC 2736) can be seen.
Above it is RCW 38 with the nebulae RCW 40 (the bright little nebula) and RCW 39 (faint nebula to the right below RCW40) again above it.
To the right in the faint nebula area is the small nebula RCW 41.
The dark one is the Vela Supernova Remnant (Gum 16) at whose right edge the Pencil Nebula (NGC 2736) can be seen.
Above it is RCW 38 with the nebulae RCW 40 (the bright little nebula) and RCW 39 (faint nebula to the right below RCW40) again above it.
To the right in the faint nebula area is the small nebula RCW 41.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool
Credit:ESO, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, Original-Link
Credit:ESO, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, Original-Link
The complete nebula area on the right is Gum 29 (RCW 49).
The bright central red nebula is NGC 3247.
Directly above NGC 3247, the small bright delineated area, is Westerlund 2.
At the bottom of the rim is the open star cluster IC 2581.
The nebula on the left edge is RCW 50.
The yellow star in the upper right is HD 90289.
The bright nebula below with embedded Star cluster is NGC 3324 with the southern part IC 2599, collectively called the Gabriela Mistral Nebula.
The Star cluster obliquely above to the right is NGC 3293.
The nebula surrounding the star cluster is RCW 51 (Gum 30).
The bright nebula at the bottom with embedded star cluster is NGC 3324 with the southern part IC 2599, collectively called the Gabriela Mistral Nebula.
The star cluster obliquely above to the right is NGC 3293.
The nebula surrounding the Star cluster is RCW 51 (Gum 30).
The small nebula in the upper right is NGC 3324 with IC 2599, which together are called Gabriela Mistral Nebula.
The bright star in the center is Eta Carinae around which is the Homunculus Nebula (to the right of Eta Carinae is the Keyhole Nebula and right next to it is the nebula "Defiant Finger" / "God's Birdie" / "The Finger of God".
Above NGC 3372 is RCW 52.
The small nebula in the upper right is NGC 3324 with IC 2599, collectively called the Gabriela Mistral Nebula.
The bright star in the center is Eta Carinae around which is the Homunculus Nebula (to the right of Eta Carinae is the Keyhole Nebula and directly next to it is the nebula "Defiant Finger" / "God's Birdie" / "The Finger of God".
Above NGC 3372 is RCW 52.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool (nachbearbeitet mit PixInsight und Gimp)
According to original RCW papers, the nebula area consists of three areas according to the coordinates: the nebula area in the center of the image (Gum 37) with the open star cluster NGC 3572 below it, to the right of it the slightly longer nebula area (Gum 34a+b) with the reflection nebula NGC 3503 and below it the slightly smaller fainter nebula area (Gum 35).
In the secondary description of the fonts the upper small nebula area (Gum 36) is also included as a fourth one.
At the right edge of the screen the foothills of the Carina nebula NGC 3372 are still visible.
The star cluster at the upper edge is the Wishing Well Cluster NGC 3532.
At the lower left of the screen is the bright nebula RCW 57 consisting of NGC 3576 (Gum 38a) and NGC 3603 (Gum 38b).
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool (nachbearbeitet mit PixInsight und Gimp)
According to original RCW papers, the nebula area consists of three areas according to the coordinates: the nebula area in the center of the image (Gum 37) with the open star cluster NGC 3572 below it, to the right of it the slightly longer nebula area (Gum 34a+b) with the reflection nebula NGC 3503 and below it the slightly smaller fainter nebula area (Gum 35).
In the secondary description of the fonts the upper small nebula area (Gum 36) is also included as a fourth one.
At the right edge of the screen the foothills of the Carina nebula NGC 3372 are still visible.
The star cluster at the upper edge is the Wishing Well Cluster NGC 3532.
At the lower left of the screen is the bright nebula RCW 57 consisting of NGC 3576 (Gum 38a) and NGC 3603 (Gum 38b).
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool (nachbearbeitet mit PixInsight und Gimp)
According to original RCW papers, the nebula area consists of three areas according to the coordinates: the nebula area in the center of the image (Gum 37) with the open star cluster NGC 3572 below it, to the right of it the slightly longer nebula area (Gum 34a+b) with the reflection nebula NGC 3503 and below it the slightly smaller fainter nebula area (Gum 35).
In the secondary description of the fonts the upper small nebula area (Gum 36) is also included as a fourth one.
At the right edge of the screen the foothills of the Carina nebula NGC 3372 are still visible.
The star cluster at the upper edge is the Wishing Well Cluster NGC 3532.
At the lower left of the screen is the bright nebula RCW 57 consisting of NGC 3576 (Gum 38a) and NGC 3603 (Gum 38b).
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool (nachbearbeitet mit PixInsight und Gimp)
According to original RCW papers, the nebula area consists of three areas according to the coordinates: the nebula area in the center of the image (Gum 37) with the open star cluster NGC 3572 below it, to the right of it the slightly longer nebula area (Gum 34a+b) with the reflection nebula NGC 3503 and below it the slightly smaller fainter nebula area (Gum 35).
In the secondary description of the fonts the upper small nebula area (Gum 36) is also included as a fourth one.
At the right edge of the screen the foothills of the Carina nebula NGC 3372 are still visible.
The star cluster at the upper edge is the Wishing Well Cluster NGC 3532.
At the lower left of the screen is the bright nebula RCW 57 consisting of NGC 3576 (Gum 38a) and NGC 3603 (Gum 38b).
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool (nachbearbeitet mit PixInsight und Gimp)
According to original RCW papers, the nebula area consists of three areas according to the coordinates: the nebula area in the center of the image (Gum 37) with the open star cluster NGC 3572 below it, to the right of it the slightly longer nebula area (Gum 34a+b) with the reflection nebula NGC 3503 and below it the slightly smaller fainter nebula area (Gum 35).
In the secondary description of the fonts the upper small nebula area (Gum 36) is also included as a fourth one.
At the right edge of the screen the foothills of the Carina nebula NGC 3372 are still visible.
The star cluster at the upper edge is the Wishing Well Cluster NGC 3532.
At the lower left of the screen is the bright nebula RCW 57 consisting of NGC 3576 (Gum 38a) and NGC 3603 (Gum 38b).
On the left is the emission nebula NGC 3603 (Gum 38b, RCW 57b).
The Statue of Liberty Nebula (Gum 38a, RCW 57a) consists of several nebulae:
NGC 3584 (the bright left nebula from the body).
NGC 3579 (the bright nebula right above the base)
NGC 3582 (the left nebula below the base)
NGC 3581 (the right nebula below the base)
NGC 3586 (the bright yellow nebula on the far left below the pedestal)
NGC 3576 (the small bright yellow nebula right below the pedestal)
The complete nebula area is designated RCW 57.
On the left is the emission nebula NGC 3603 (Gum 38b, RCW 57b).
The Statue of Liberty Nebula (Gum 38a, RCW 57a) consists of several nebulae:
NGC 3584 (the bright left nebula from the body).
NGC 3579 (the bright nebula right above the base)
NGC 3582 (the left nebula below the base)
NGC 3581 (the right nebula below the base)
NGC 3586 (the bright yellow nebula on the far left below the pedestal)
NGC 3576 (the small bright yellow nebula right below the pedestal)
The complete nebula area is designated RCW 57.
The upper part of the large nebula is IC 2944 (Running Chicken Nebula) with the embedded star cluster.
Diagonally left below is the emission nebula IC 2948.
The very bright star is Lambda Centauri.
Top right of IC 2944 is Gum 39 (Ced 116).
Directly below is IC 2872.
Bottom right is Gum 41 (RCW 61).
In the upper right are the nebulae NGC 3603 and NGC 3576.
The upper part of the large nebula is IC 2944 (Running Chicken Nebula) with the embedded star cluster.
Diagonally left below is the emission nebula IC 2948.
The very bright star is Lambda Centauri.
Top right of IC 2944 is Gum 39 (Ced 116).
Directly below is IC 2872.
Bottom right is Gum 41 (RCW 61).
In the upper right are the nebulae NGC 3603 and NGC 3576.
The upper part of the large nebula is IC 2944 (Running Chicken Nebula) with the embedded star cluster.
Diagonally left below is the emission nebula IC 2948.
The very bright star is Lambda Centauri.
Top right of IC 2944 is Gum 39 (Ced 116).
Directly below is IC 2872.
Bottom right is Gum 41 (RCW 61).
In the upper right are the nebulae NGC 3603 and NGC 3576.
The upper part of the large nebula is IC 2944 (Running Chicken Nebula) with the embedded star cluster.
Diagonally left below is the emission nebula IC 2948.
The very bright star is Lambda Centauri.
Top right of IC 2944 is Gum 39 (Ced 116).
Directly below is IC 2872.
Bottom right is Gum 41 (RCW 61).
In the upper right are the nebulae NGC 3603 and NGC 3576.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool (nachbearbeitet mit PixInsight und Gimp)
The upper two together form RCW 65. The upper of the two nebulae is cataloged as Gum 43.
The nebula in the middle is RCW 66 (Gum 44).
The lower faint nebula is RCW 67.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool (nachbearbeitet mit PixInsight und Gimp)
The upper two together form RCW 65. The upper of the two nebulae is cataloged as Gum 43.
The nebula in the middle is RCW 66 (Gum 44).
The lower faint nebula is RCW 67.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool (nachbearbeitet mit PixInsight und Gimp)
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool (nachbearbeitet mit PixInsight und Gimp)
ESO, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons, Original-Link
The nebula area in the lower part of the image is Ced 122.
The bright nebula at the right corner of the dark nebula is RCW 75.
In the upper left corner is RCW 78 with star cluster IC 4291 to its left.
In the center of the image is the large open cluster NGC 5155 with the star cluster NGC 5120 to its right.
At the right edge of the image is the open cluster NGC 5045.
The nebula area in the lower part of the image is Ced 122.
The bright nebula at the right corner of the dark nebula is RCW 75.
In the upper left corner is RCW 78 with star cluster IC 4291 to its left.
In the center of the image is the large open cluster NGC 5155 with the star cluster NGC 5120 to its right.
At the right edge of the image is the open cluster NGC 5045.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool (nachbearbeitet mit PixInsight und Gimp)
In the center is NGC 5281.
To the left of it is NGC 5269.
The nebula at the bottom is Gum 48d.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool (nachbearbeitet mit PixInsight und Gimp)
The small nebula at the bottom is RCW 96.
The right of the two upper nebulae is RCW 97, the left is RCW 98.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool (nachbearbeitet mit PixInsight und Gimp)
RCW 99 can be seen in the center of the picture.
The open cluster in the upper left is Trumpler 23.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool
The left lobe of the nebula is NGC 6164, the right is NGC 6165. Together they form RCW 107 (Gum 52).
The star in the center is HD 148937.
Dylan O'Donnell, deography.com, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
The nebula is NGC 6188.
The bright star cluster in the center is NGC 6193.
At the very bottom of the image you can still see the foothills of NGC 6164 / 6165.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool (nachbearbeitet mit PixInsight und Gimp)
The bright nebula on the right is RCW 110.
Directly to the left is RCW 111.
In the RCW catalog there is a note that both as RCW 110 and RCW 111 belong to Gum 54. However, in the Gum catalog the coordinates are exact to RCW 110 and the size specification of 8x8' would not include both nebulae.
The complete nebula area in the center of the image is RCW 113.
The bright nebula area is IC 4628 (Prawn Nebula).
In the upper right corner is the nebula Sh2-2.
The Star cluster in the center is NGC 6231.
In the upper left corner is the star cluster NGC 6259 (Mel 158).
Left below the nebula is the star cluster NGC 6192 (Mel 148), at the right edge is the star cluster NGC 6242 (Mel 155).
The dark column at the bottom of RCW 113 is the Dark Tower Nebula.
In the center is the Prawn Nebula IC 4628.
On the right is the star cluster NGC 6231 (C76).
Between the two objects above is the blue giant star HD 151804 (NGC 6227).
To the left of the nebula is the star cluster NGC 6242.
At the lower left is the star cluster NGC 6268.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool (nachbearbeitet mit PixInsight und Gimp)
The complete nebula area is RCW 119 (Gum 57b).
The nebula to the right of the star cluster NGC 6281 is Sh2-2.
The upper nebular section of Sh2-2 directly adjacent to the star cluster is Gum 57a.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool (nachbearbeitet mit PixInsight und Gimp)
The complete nebula area is RCW 119 (Gum 57b).
The nebula to the right of the Star cluster NGC 6281 is Sh2-2.
The upper nebular section of Sh2-2 directly adjacent to the star cluster is Gum 57a.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool (nachbearbeitet mit PixInsight und Gimp)
The complete nebula area is RCW 119 (Gum 57b).
The nebula to the right of the star cluster NGC 6281 is Sh2-2.
The upper nebular section of Sh2-2 directly adjacent to the Star cluster is Gum 57a.
Copyright by WikiSky.org, WikiSky's snapshot tool (nachbearbeitet mit PixInsight und Gimp)
The left part of Sh2-5 is RCW 123.
The nebula in the upper right is Sh2-3.
At the lower right edge, the small bright nebula is Sh2-4.
Centered below Sh2-5 is RCW 122.
At the lower left edge of Sh2-5, the planetary nebula NGC 6337 can be seen.
This Sharpless object has been removed from the BFS catalog (updated Sh2 catalog) for HII nebulae.
Dylan O'Donnell, deography.com, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
In the center of the image is NGC 6334 including Gum 61 (upper left), Gum 62 (upper), Gum 63 (complete lower part), Gum 64a (small nebula in the center), Gum 64b (right), Gum 64c (nebular section below Gum 64b).
To the left is RCW 126.
Above on the right is the faint nebula RCW 128.
Dylan O'Donnell, deography.com, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
In the center of the image is NGC 6334 including Gum 61 (upper left), Gum 62 (upper), Gum 63 (complete lower part), Gum 64a (small nebula in the center), Gum 64b (right), Gum 64c (nebular section below Gum 64b).
To the left is RCW 126.
Above on the right is the faint nebula RCW 128.
Dylan O'Donnell, deography.com, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
In the center of the image is NGC 6334 including Gum 61 (upper left), Gum 62 (upper), Gum 63 (complete lower part), Gum 64a (small nebula in the center), Gum 64b (right), Gum 64c (nebular section below Gum 64b).
To the left is RCW 126.
Above on the right is the faint nebula RCW 128.
Dylan O'Donnell, deography.com, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
In the center of the image is NGC 6334 including Gum 61 (upper left), Gum 62 (upper), Gum 63 (complete lower part), Gum 64a (small nebula in the center), Gum 64b (right), Gum 64c (nebular section under Gum 64b).
To the left is RCW 126.
Above to the right is the faint nebula RCW 128.
Dylan O'Donnell, deography.com, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
In the center of the image is NGC 6334 including Gum 61 (upper left), Gum 62 (upper), Gum 63 (complete lower part), Gum 64a (small nebula in the center), Gum 64b (right), Gum 64c (nebular section below Gum 64b).
To the left is RCW 126.
Above on the right is the faint nebula RCW 128.
Dylan O'Donnell, deography.com, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
In the center of the image is NGC 6334 including Gum 61 (upper left), Gum 62 (upper), Gum 63 (complete lower part), Gum 64a (small nebula in the center), Gum 64b (right), Gum 64c (nebular section below Gum 64b).
To the left is RCW 126.
Above on the right is the faint nebula RCW 128.
Dylan O'Donnell, deography.com, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
In the center of the image is NGC 6334 including Gum 61 (upper left), Gum 62 (upper), Gum 63 (complete lower part), Gum 64a (small nebula in the center), Gum 64b (right), Gum 64c (nebular section below Gum 64b).
To the left is RCW 126.
Above on the right is the faint nebula RCW 128.
Giuseppe Donatiello, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
The red nebula at the top is Sh2-9 with the star Sigma Scorpii (Alniyat) in the center and the reflection nebula vdB 104.
The yellow star at lower right is Alpha Scorpii (Antares) with nebula vdB 107.
The large star cluster at upper right is M4 and just below it is the small star cluster NGC 6144.
The blue nebula at the bottom is IC 4605.
The large blue nebula on the far left is IC 4604 (Rho Ophiuchi Cloud).
The dark nebula starting in the center and running to the lower left is LDN 1688, and the dark nebula in the lower center is LDN 1689.
Dylan O'Donnell, deography.com, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
At the top the dark red nebula is the Lobster Nebula (NGC 6357).
Below that, the red nebula area above the center of the image is Sh2-12.
To the left of that is the small nebula area Sh2-13.
Further to the left in the large nebula area is a small emission area which Sharpless described at the almost exact position of HD 158618. Around this star there is also a small emission nebula. SIMBAD has wrong coordinates pointing to the nebula LBN 13 next to it. (http://galaxymap.org/cat/view/sharpless/14)
Below Sh2-12 is the star cluster M6.
The large star cluster to the right in the lower large nebula is M7.
At the top the dark red nebula is the Lobster Nebula (NGC 6357).
Below that, the red nebula area above the center of the image is Sh2-12.
To the left of that is the small nebula area Sh2-13.
Further to the left in the large nebula area is a small emission area which Sharpless described at the almost exact position of HD 158618. Around this star there is also a small emission nebula. SIMBAD has wrong coordinates pointing to the nebula LBN 13 next to it. (http://galaxymap.org/cat/view/sharpless/14)
Below Sh2-12 is the star cluster M6.
The large star cluster to the right in the lower large nebula is M7.
In the center is the star cluster NGC 6451.
The dark red emission nebula is Sh2-15.
To the right is the star cluster NGC 6425.
The large bright nebula on the left is Sh2-16.
Directly diagonally right above it the small nebula is Sh2-18.
Above it the fainter nebula is Sh2-19.
The bright nebula section on the right is Sh2-20.
At the top of the edge is Sh2-21.
At the bottom of the edge, a small portion of Sh2-17 can still be seen.
The large bright nebula is the Lagoon Nebula (M8), with the nebular areas Sh2-29 to its left, the nebula NGC 6559 (lower left) and the planetary nebula Minkowski 1-41 (red dot) obliquely below it, the Star cluster IC 4685 (center), the nebula IC 1275 (upper left center), the nebula IC 1274 (top).
Above the small nebula is the Trifid Nebula (M20) with the star cluster M21 above it.
Diagonally to the right below the Trifid Nebula is the umbilical region Sh2-28 and just to its right is Sh2-26.
In the lower right corner the nebula area is Sh2-22.
Part of Sh2-34 can still be seen at the top center.
At the very top center is the Star cluster M21.
Diagonally right below is the Trifid Nebula M20 and diagonally right below Sh2-28.
At lower center is the Lagoon Nebula M8 with the bright nebulae NGC 6526 (lower left) and the irregular area NGC 6533 (upper right) (separated by the slightly darker s-shaped area) and the star cluster NGC 6530 (left of the bright area).
To the left is the large nebula Sh2-29 with the nebula NGC 6559 (lower left) and the oblique planetary nebula Minkowski 1-41 (red dot), the star cluster IC 4685 (center), the nebula IC 1275 (upper left center), the nebula IC 1274 (above).
A bit above the blue star is the nebula IC 4684 and diagonally right above is the star cluster NGC 6546.
Sh2-27 copyright by Astromaster
The large bright nebula is the Lagoon Nebula (M8), with the nebular areas Sh2-29 to its left, the nebula NGC 6559 (lower left) and the planetary nebula Minkowski 1-41 (red dot) obliquely below it, the Star cluster IC 4685 (center), the nebula IC 1275 (upper left center), the nebula IC 1274 (top).
Above the small nebula is the Trifid Nebula (M20) with the star cluster M21 above it.
Diagonally to the right below the Trifid Nebula is the umbilical region Sh2-28 and just to its right is Sh2-26.
In the lower right corner the nebula area is Sh2-22.
Part of Sh2-34 can still be seen at the top center.
At the very top center is the star cluster M21.
Diagonally right below is the Trifid Nebula M20 and diagonally right below that is Sh2-28.
At the very bottom center is the Lagoon Nebula M8 with the bright nebulae NGC 6526 (lower left) and the irregular region NGC 6533 (upper right) (separated by the slightly darker s-shaped region) and the star cluster NGC 6530 (to the left of the bright region).
To the left is the large nebula Sh2-29 with the nebula NGC 6559 (lower left) and the oblique planetary nebula Minkowski 1-41 (red dot), the star cluster IC 4685 (center), the nebula IC 1275 (upper left center), the nebula IC 1274 (above).
A little above the blue star is the nebula IC 4684 and obliquely above it on the right is the Star cluster NGC 6546.
At the very top center is the star cluster M21.
Diagonally right below is the Trifid Nebula M20 and diagonally right below that is Sh2-28.
At the very bottom center is the Lagoon Nebula M8 with the bright nebulae NGC 6526 (lower left) and the irregular region NGC 6533 (upper right) (separated by the slightly darker s-shaped region) and the star cluster NGC 6530 (to the left of the bright region).
To the left is the large nebula Sh2-29 with the nebula NGC 6559 (lower left) and the oblique planetary nebula Minkowski 1-41 (red dot), the star cluster IC 4685 (center), the nebula IC 1275 (upper left center), the nebula IC 1274 (above).
A little above the blue star is the nebula IC 4684 and obliquely above it on the right is the Star cluster NGC 6546.
At the very top center is the Star cluster M21.
Diagonally right below is the Trifid Nebula M20 and diagonally right below Sh2-28.
At lower center is the Lagoon Nebula M8 with the bright nebulae NGC 6526 (lower left) and the irregular area NGC 6533 (upper right) (separated by the slightly darker s-shaped area) and the Star cluster NGC 6530 (left of the bright area).
To the left is the large nebula Sh2-29 with the nebula NGC 6559 (lower left) and the oblique planetary nebula Minkowski 1-41 (red dot), the star cluster IC 4685 (center), the nebula IC 1275 (upper left center), the nebula IC 1274 (above).
A bit above the blue star is the nebula IC 4684 and diagonally right above is the star cluster NGC 6546.
In the center of the image is vdB 113.
The nebula area to the left below is Sh2-34.
The small red nebula is IC 1284 with the bright star HD 167815 in the center.
Directly below it the slightly fainter red nebula is IC 1283.
Just to the left are the two reflection nebulae NGC 6589 (the lower) and NGC 6590 (vdB 119) (the upper).
The nebula area to the left is Sh2-35.
The large star cloud at the top is M24, which contains the star cluster NGC 6603 at the top and SH2-39 obliquely below it. The upper red nebula area is Sh2-41.
The dark nebula at the top is Barnard 92 and to the left you can see the lower end of Barnard 93.
The small red nebula is IC 1284 with the bright star HD 167815 in the center.
Directly above, the fainter red nebula, is IC 1283.
Just to the right are the two reflection nebulae NGC 6589 (the upper) and NGC 6590 (vdB 119) (the lower).
The nebula area to the lower right is Sh2-35.
On the left the large Nebula is IC 4703 (Eagle Nebula: 70'x50' extent). It contains the open star cluster M16 (NGC 6611: 7' extent).
The right nebula is M17 with NGC 6618 (below (Gum 81a)) and the faint nebulae IC 4706 and IC 4707 (together Gum 81b) directly above it, and the small nebula Sh2-47 above it.
On the right edge, the star cluster M18 can be seen.
In the upper right corner is IC 4701.
Centered between M16 and M17 is RCW 161 and below it the HII area Gum 82.
Right below M16 is Sh2-48 and below M17 is RCW 159.
At the very bottom center of the edge is Sh2-50, and to its left is Sh2-53.
On the left the large nebula is IC 4703 (Eagle Nebula: 70'x50' extent). It contains the open star cluster M16 (NGC 6611: 7' extent).
The right nebula is M17 with NGC 6618 (below (Gum 81a)) and the faint nebulae IC 4706 and IC 4707 (together Gum 81b) directly above it, and the small nebula Sh2-47 above it.
On the right edge, the star cluster M18 can be seen.
In the upper right corner is IC 4701.
Centered between M16 and M17 is RCW 161 and below it the HII area Gum 82.
Right below M16 is Sh2-48 and below M17 is RCW 159.
At the very bottom center of the edge is Sh2-50, and to the left is Sh2-53.
On the left the large nebula is IC 4703 (Eagle Nebula: 70'x50' extent). It contains the open star cluster M16 (NGC 6611: 7' extent).
The right nebula is M17 with NGC 6618 (below (Gum 81a)) and the faint nebulae IC 4706 and IC 4707 (together Gum 81b) directly above it, and the small nebula Sh2-47 above it.
On the right edge, the star cluster M18 can be seen.
In the upper right corner is IC 4701.
Centered between M16 and M17 is RCW 161 and below it the HII area Gum 82.
Right below M16 is Sh2-48 and below M17 is RCW 159.
At the very bottom center of the edge is Sh2-50, and to the left is Sh2-53.
On the left the large Nebula is IC 4703 (Eagle Nebula: 70'x50' extent). It contains the open star cluster M16 (NGC 6611: 7' extent).
The right nebula is M17 with NGC 6618 (below (Gum 81a)) and the faint nebulae IC 4706 and IC 4707 (together Gum 81b) directly above it, and the small nebula Sh2-47 above it.
On the right edge, the star cluster M18 can be seen.
In the upper right corner is IC 4701.
Centered between M16 and M17 is RCW 161 and below it the HII area Gum 82.
Right below M16 is Sh2-48 and below M17 is RCW 159.
At the very bottom center of the edge is Sh2-50, and to its left is Sh2-53.
On the left the large Nebula is IC 4703 (Eagle Nebula: 70'x50' extent). It contains the open star cluster M16 (NGC 6611: 7' extent).
The right nebula is M17 with NGC 6618 (below (Gum 81a)) and the faint nebulae IC 4706 and IC 4707 (together Gum 81b) directly above it, and the small nebula Sh2-47 above it.
On the right edge, the star cluster M18 can be seen.
In the upper right corner is IC 4701.
Centered between M16 and M17 is RCW 161 and below it the HII area Gum 82.
Right below M16 is Sh2-48 and below M17 is RCW 159.
At the very bottom center of the edge is Sh2-50, and to its left is Sh2-53.
The large dark red nebula area is Sh2-54.
The bright red node in the upper area is Gum 85.
In the lower part of this nebula area is the star cluster NGC 6604.
In the center of the image to the right of the bright star is the open cluster NGC 6625.
The large dark red nebula area is Sh2-54.
The bright red node in the upper area is Gum 85.
In the lower part of this nebula area is the star cluster NGC 6604.
In the center of the image to the right of the bright star is the open star cluster NGC 6625.