Using the Kochab-method
The Kochab-method takes advantage of the fact that the North celestial pole, Polaris and the star Kochab lie on one line.
Illustration of the celestial line between Polaris, North celestial pole and Kochab [Source image: pithecanthropus4152, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, supplemented by markings]
After this star constellation has been found in the sky, a line is mentally drawn between Polaris and Kochab (red line).
Since the image is rotated by 180° due to the optical properties of the pole finder, Polaris is now brought onto the circle of the pole finder via the azimuth and pole height adjustment to that position of the imaginary line which lies exactly between the pole finder center and Kochab.
With a little practice it is possible to perceive Kochab directly with one eye and Polaris through the pole finder with the other eye. []
This method is partly so accurate that good astrophotography can be done.